Flower Essences
Flower Essences are vibrational remedies. The energy of the plant is infused in Spring water and preserved with the addition of brandy. They work within the subtle energy field of the body restoring balance on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels.
I have been making Flower Essences at Wild Medicine since 2003, when my journey with plant spirit medicine really began. The plants taught us how to work co-creatively, to work consciously with the sacred waters of the Red and White Springs in Glastonbury and to work with the energies of the rising sun, the moon cycles, the wheel of the year and other cosmic cycles.
Since then I have made Essences of place (such as the Great Pyramid) and most recently as part of my work with Wild Medicine (alongside Nicki Greenheart and Casey Jon) of the Glastonbury Zodiac and a Wild Heart Animal Essence of Wolf.